Explore the enchanting world of Sudha Murthy through her collection of approximately 28 experiential stories, beautifully woven into the tapestry of life. In “ಏರಿಳಿತದ ದಾರಿಯಲ್ಲಿ,” Sudha Murthy, the pioneer behind Infosys Foundation, shares her life experiences, foreign journeys, and unique incidents that have unfolded in her own life.
This book presents a treasure trove of essays, including tales of her experiences during a tsunami, the essence of philanthropy, and numerous other thought-provoking stories. Sudha Murthy’s vivid narratives in “ಏರಿಳಿತದ ದಾರಿಯಲ್ಲಿ” will leave you captivated and moved, reminding you of the saying, “Too much sweetness can turn into bitterness.”
Through articles like “ವಿದೇಶಿ” and “ಒಂದೇ ಗೆರೆಯ ಆಚೆ,” she takes readers on a journey to her travels in Pakistan and vividly describes the paradoxical experiences of Indian communities abroad. The book also delves into Sudha Murthy’s exploration of Tibet, offering insights into Tibetan history, culture, religion, and the subtle nuances of the invasion of Tibet by China.
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